Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hey, it's your fellow blogger, writing to you from the desk of boredom. Seriously, there is nothing to do around this house. As you have propably guessed I'm watching my younger siblings yet again while my mom 'runs to the store'. But we all know how long that takes.
Said siblings are sitting in front of the tv, staring at the screen, watching The Justice League.
Two of them are debating wether or not Superman is the 'good guy' or the 'bad guy'.
Anyways, todays Saturday, so I didn't get up till 11:00. When I did get up, it was actually peaceful for once. All 4 of my brothers were at two diferent baseball games, along with one of my sisters. I'm sure you can imagine how crazy it is around here with 9 brothers and sisters, two of which do not currently live here, though.
I must be off now.

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